YPIAI education
for the future

knowledge to change the world

Webinar / (Online course)

We provide regular thematic webinars training for academics and accounting professionals

WHO we are

yayasan pengembangan ilmu akuntansi indonesia

Founded by graduate students in Accounting who have become practitioners in various professions, ranging from lecturers, public accountants, public officials, etc.

Established to provide benefits for the development of accounting science in Indonesia in various industrial sectors with various business scales


The seminar provides a full outlook of current issues so that they can analyze their impacts in order to anticipate the continued performance of the company in the future

Community talk

Community talk is a joint discussion forum regarding MSME problems between accounting and finance experts and MSMEs to find the best and easy to implement solutions


The workshop provides expertise in accounting and finance for professionals and companies


Scientific discussions held online that involve audiance from students, practitioners, academics and professionals as well as speakers who are competent in their fields to discuss the latest issues related to accounting

We Serve :

We provide opportunities to succeed

  1. We provide financial advice for your businesses.

  2. We organize seminars on internal audit and sustainable finance for professionals and academics.

our services
We provide consulting services in preparing financial reports, including


Sustainable finance generally refers to the process of taking due account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations when making investment decisions in the financial sector, leading to increased longer-term investments into sustainable economic activities and projects

Green Bond

A second-party opinion of your green bond framework ensures that your bond is in line with market expectations and industry best practices. A second-party opinion gives investors confidence in your green bond issuance


Sustainability Reporting is a form of report made by a company in order to disclose or communicate to all stakeholders about environmental, social and good governance (LST) performance in an accountable manner. 


Good corporate governance, which is often discussed as a system of good corporate governance, consists of a number of interrelated matters, including a system of rules that are implemented in honest practice and solid business processes, with good leadership and a well-functioning organizational operational integrity.


The most recent of GRI’s reporting frameworks are the GRI Standards, launched in October 2016. Developed by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), the GRI Standards are the first global standards for sustainability reporting and are a free public good. In contrast to the earlier reporting frameworks, the GRI Standards have a modular structure, making them easier to update and adapt.


Corporate social responsibility / CSR is a part of the company’s long-term business strategy. Social responsibility or corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that organizations, especially companies, have a responsibility to consumers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of company operations such as problems that have an impact on the environment such as pollution. , waste, product safety and labor.

for further information and consultation, please contact us

Our Webinar


sustainability report preparation techniques

March 4-5, 2021. This training discusses the principles and techniques for preparing a sustainability report in accordance with POJK No. 51 / POJK.03 / 2017

Jan 28-29, 2021

Sustainability Reporting (SR) untuk Lembaga Jasa Keuangan Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik

This training discusses the sustainability reporting standards that apply to financial service institutions, issuers and public companies

Oct 21, 2020

The Role of Strategic Cost management and Enterprise Risk Management processes and system in the time of covid-19

This webinar discusses financial risks for companies during the Pandemic period. In addition, it also examines cost components in company operations that need to be eliminated. Finally, providing input regarding changes in the Business model to improve the Company’s Sustainability

Jan 14, 2022

importance of financial distress, insolvency concept and bankruptcy law during covid-19

Financial distress is a term in corporate finance that is used to denote a condition when a promise to a company’s creditors is broken or painstakingly honored. If financial difficulties cannot be eliminated, it can lead to bankruptcy.


public accountacy

We focus on developing accounting knowledge for society, starting from the basic level (as a form of our dedication to formal educational institutions) to the corporate level.

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